Visitation Abuse

Visitation Abuse

At McCarthy Law Group, Ltd., we understand that visitation abuse can be a distressing and concerning issue for families. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling cases of visitation abuse and are committed to protecting the well-being of our clients and their children.

Our visitation abuse services include:

  • Protective Orders: Our attorneys can help you obtain a protective order to prevent the abuser from having contact with you or your child during visitation periods.
  • Enforcement of Court Orders: If the abuser is violating a court-ordered visitation schedule, our attorneys can help you take legal action to enforce the order and protect your rights.
  • Modification of Visitation Orders: In some cases, a modification of the visitation order may be necessary to prevent further abuse. Our attorneys can help you seek a modification that is in the best interests of you and your child.

At McCarthy Law Group, Ltd., we understand the importance of protecting the safety and well-being of our clients and their children. If you are experiencing visitation abuse, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We will work tirelessly to help you obtain the legal protection you need.

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