Child Support

Child Support

At McCarthy Law Group, Ltd., we understand that child support can be a crucial component of providing for your child's well-being after a separation or divorce. Our experienced attorneys can help you navigate the child support system and ensure that your child's needs are met.

Our child support services include:

  • Calculating Child Support: Our attorneys can help you calculate the appropriate amount of child support based on the Illinois child support guidelines, taking into account factors such as the parents' income, the child's needs, and any special circumstances.
  • Enforcement of Child Support Orders: If the other parent is not paying child support as ordered, our attorneys can help you take legal action to enforce the order and ensure that your child receives the support they are entitled to.
  • Modification of Child Support Orders: If your financial circumstances or the needs of your child have changed, our attorneys can help you seek a modification of the child support order to ensure that it remains fair and equitable.

At McCarthy Law Group, Ltd., we are committed to helping parents provide for the well-being of their children through the child support system. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced child support attorneys.

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